Early Childhood Education Daily Lessons | Providence Moms

I owe credit to our Early Childhood teacher and our Waldorf Family for these Daily planning items. During this time they have been incredibly supportive and thoughtful to helping us stay as close to routine as possible.

Language Arts

  • Read a story to your child
  • Have your child retell the story to you
  • Make a picture about the story they heard all week
  • Tell nursery rhymes
  • Read a child’s poem
  • Oral work: have them repeat a nursery rhyme such as Hickory Dickory Dock..
  • Can they sit still and listen attentively to a story?
  • Make a puppet show (make out of paper like old fashion paper dolls, use stuff animal, or wooden animals if you have them)
  • Rhyming games: I have a treasure chest of words, with a cat, hat and ______! Or, A hiking we will go, a hiking we will go, we’ll catch a fox and put it in a ______. And then we will let it go.
  • Play “I Spy” I spy something blue and see if they can guess what you spy that is blue.


Play and Nature:

  • Build a fairy house outdoors.
  • Build a small house for “wee folk” outside with sticks, moss, rocks, and old leaves
  • Plant your peas outdoors in a pot or in the ground.
  • Look for clover in your yard. Is there any yet? Can you find a four-leaf clover?
  • Make mud pies and mud balls
  • Play in a puddle after a rainstorm or even better during one! (not if there is thunder or lightening)
  • Set up a rain barrel or bucket to collect water
  • Can your child play indoors and outdoors on their own?
  • Find a place for your child to explore and create different things on their own.
  • Have an Earth day and pick up litter in the neighborhood

Purposeful Work

  • Have the child make bread for your family. If you do not have the ingredients have them make pancakes, muffins or even toast.
  • Set the table, and pour a glass of water for each member of the family
  • Tidy away their dishes help with dishes if an elderberry.
  • Working in the garden: planting and watering the peas.
  • Sweeping, dusting, raking and digging
  • Dressing themselves
  • Cooking

Math, Music and Movement

  • Jump rope and make up a song: “Bluebird, bluebird in a tree, how many bluebirds do you see? One, Two, Three…”
  • Count how many colors in a rainbow drawing
  • Ride their bike
  • Jumping Jacks
  • Hand clapping games (they have a beat to their rhythm and cross the midline)
  • Hopscotch
  • Play the game One Potato, Two Potato, Three Potato Four…
  • Simon Says game, Head Shoulders Knees and Toes, A Sailor Went to Sea, sea,sea…
  • Blowing bubbles: count and then catch (Math and movement)
  • Climb a tree, rock or ladder (that is safe)
  • Walk over a downed tree in the forest (great balance)
  • Throw rocks in a pond and count them

Handwork and Art

  • Have your child draw a picture of a rainbow and perhaps draw a pot of gold at the end.
  • Make a garden stake for your peas. Have you child find a stick about 1’ long and make a picture of peas for the marker.
  • Have your child finger knit with you or if they can, on their own. I will check out a simple online tutorial for parents. Finger knitting consist of making a magic loop (slip knot) and then the little bird (Thumb and pointer finger) goes into the hole (slip knot) and catches a worm (yarn from ball). This is actually a crocheting stitch.
  • Sewing
  • Painting

Fine Motor Skills

  • Finger knit and sewing
  • Beeswax
  • Finger plays
  • Knead bread, wash veggies, chop veggies for soup, cooking
  • Kindergarteners: tie their shoes daily!!!!

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